Tapestries at BRAFA ART FAIR

Both 132 

JAN 28 – FEB 4, 2024

We are honored to invite you to discover a rare and emblematic artistic treasure at BRAFA (Brussels Art Fair) in Brussels. Our art gallery will have the privilege of showcasing an exclusive collection of Aubusson tapestries, masterpieces signed by the greatest masters of the 20th century.

BRAFA, a prestigious and globally recognized art event, will be the stage for unveiling our exceptional selection of tapestries, unparalleled in their beauty. These unique pieces, true masterpieces, embody refined craftsmanship and exceptional artistic expression by the eminent talents of that era.

Immerse yourself in a universe where threads become canvases and colors come to life, offering a striking vision of the creative genius of the artists who contributed to the prestigious legacy of Aubusson tapestries. Each piece we present is a timeless testament to artistic excellence and technical mastery that marked that period.

We invite you to discover these artistic treasures at our stand at BRAFA. Come and admire these Aubusson tapestries, symbols of beautifully preserved traditional craftsmanship and dazzling aesthetics, capturing the very essence of 20th-century art.

We are eager to share this unique experience with you and delve into the fascinating world of Aubusson tapestries by the greatest masters of the 20th century at BRAFA.

Find our gallery mentioned in the press following this 69th BRAFA 2024 edition:











Dès dimanche, la Brafa vous invite à rêver et voyager



Tapestries at BRAFA ART FAIR - Galerie Hadjer
